7 Effective Learning Styles for Kids to Perform Better in Studies

Javeria Gull
10 min readApr 28, 2022


Photo by RODNAE Productions: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-teacher-and-her-pupils-sitting-on-chairs-8363788/

You again got an F on Math, Gina. Helen was horrified at seeing her daughter’s report card. I am sorry Mom but I can’t understand Ms. William at all, Gina replied meekly. Helen pinched her nose. She can see a migraine coming.

She knows her daughter doesn’t lie but on the other hand, she personally knows Ms. William. Ms. William is a dream teacher. She is vibrant, friendly, and easy to talk to.

Helen works as an accountant in a well-known firm and it is very hard for her to accept that her daughter sucks at Math. She decided to take matters into her own hands. She started tutoring Gina. After one month Gina got a B on a Math test. Helen almost cried.

She wondered what went wrong with Ms. William? Are you wondering too?

This kind of tragedy not only happened to Helen. I am sure you also faced this kind of situation or if not experienced it first hand you at least observed it happen to somebody close to you. But the question is why does it happen?

I agree a kid could not be good in all subjects, but many kids perform badly in school because their learning style is different from what is used by their teacher or school.

This is a very common problem and often affects badly on kids’ learning. Today, most schools use standard tests and assessments that test only a particular style of learning. The kids with different learning styles do badly in this kind of situation.

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge fish by its ability to climb. This is stupid.

What is a learning style?

A learning style for a kid is his/her preferred way to learn new things. This is essential to know the learning style of your kid. The learning style for kids consists of how they absorb knowledge, learn, and analyze new things.

The interactions according to the learning style of a kid play an essential role in the individual learning behavior of a kid. If the teacher or parent knew the preferred learning style of the kid it can make a huge difference. The chances of success increase for the kid.

As this happened with Gina. Helen’s judgment was right about both Gina and Ms. William. Ms. William was a good teacher but Gina could not understand her due to her different learning style.

Ms. William failed to notice that Gina has a different learning style and Gina was scared to admit that she was not understanding well while her classmates seem to understand Ms. William very well. That’s why problems started in the first place.

Helen was able to identify her daughter’s learning style and teach her according. That’s why Gina was able to improve drastically over a month. But how many kids are lucky like Gina?

That’s why it is important that you know what learning style your kid preferred. This way instead of beating around the bush you will be able to understand problems more quickly and actually help your kid do better.

How do you identify learning styles for kids?

Whether you are a parent or a teacher, it is important for you to identify the learning style of your kid. If you know what learning style your kid prefers you can help him/her better in her studies or other learning activities.

A kid’s brain is constantly developing and so are his strengths and weaknesses. The preferred way how the kid learns also changes during this period. The learning styles vary for every individual just like intelligence. It is essential to know these ways to effectively teach the kids. This would help you in identifying their struggles in learning, and determine the best approach to help them out.

When we noticed our kid struggling with a particular subject. The first thought is maybe it is too difficult for them. Contrary to this research shows, that the material is not that important. But how it is presented to them determines the level of difficulty for the kids.

What are the 7 learning styles for kids and how you can help them?

Once you understand the learning style and why they are important for your kid. The next question arises, what are the types of learning styles. How can you identify your kid’s learning style and help him/her?

1. Spatial or Visual Learners

Photo by Polesie Toys: https://www.pexels.com/photo/young-boys-playing-park-tower-toy-6129382/

The visual learners observe, analyze and comprehend the information if presented in the form of visuals. It could be a demonstration, an image, or a video.

As they prefer images instead of words. If you present the information primarily through images rather than words, they can process it quickly and understand it and be able to retain it more efficiently.

They understand the concept all at once instead of dividing it into small details. Due to this ability, they don’t prefer step-by-step explanations.

Because they are visually strong, they have an excellent understanding he facial expressions and body language. They can easily detect if a person is lying to them.

Since they are assessing the information in the form of images rather than words; they quickly notice patterns quite easily and can understand them.

You can help them memorize spelling or words by visualizing them.

2. Auditory Learners

Auditory Learners
Photo by RODNAE Productions: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-boy-with-long-briaded-hair-sitting-at-a-table-with-girls-8363573/

The auditory learners learn new things most effectively by listening. Unlike visual learners, they love hearing words.

The auditory learners primarily learn new things by listening and speaking. The auditory learners struggle when the instructions are presented to them in written format. They prefer the step-by-step instruction orally.

The auditory learners are really good listeners. They can easily remember the information that has been heard by them.

The auditory learners might be able to easily recall information heard a long time ago but struggle to remember what they read yesterday.

That’s why they excel in oral exams or interviews.

You can help auditory learners learn effectively by reading out loud.

Because the auditory learners prefer the audio medium, they usually have very good speaking skills.

They are very good at holding conversations. They are also great storytellers.

The downside is that they have a short attention span. They can be easily distracted by the background noises.

3. Kinesthetic or Physical Learners

Kinesthetic or Physical Learners
Photo by Lukas: https://www.pexels.com/photo/children-s-team-building-on-green-grassland-296301/

Physical or kinesthetic learners like to learn by interacting with others. They are physically very active and like to move and interact with other participants.

The kinesthetic learners are very confident. They also prefer an active role in learning rather than passive roles.

The physical or kinesthetic learners love to do new experiments and are more likely to complete tasks by themselves.

That’s why they prefer practical subjects instead of theoretical subjects. Because then they can work practice by applying different techniques.

For example, kinesthetic learners will be performing in the drama rather than sitting by and watching it.

If your kid opens every new toy in trying to understand it he might be a kinesthetic learner.

The kinesthetic learners love physical interaction and doing things by themselves. That is why they remember information better.

They also like to apply different techniques to their project. It helps them know which thing works and which doesn’t.

This trial and error habit also enhances the problem-solving ability of kinesthetic learners.

Instead of spoon-feeding, encouraging them to discover thing help them in learning new things effectively.

4. Linguistic or Verbal Learners

Linguistic or Verbal Learners
Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/adorable-blur-bookcase-books-261895/

Linguistic or Verbal Learners love learning new words. The best approach to teach them is by speaking words and through the written medium.

As you might have noticed, this learning style is closely associated with the auditory learning style.

The difference between both is that while an auditory person just likes to hear, the Linguistic or Verbal Learners are more interested in words.

Due to this reason, they have an excellent vocabulary.

Unlike, auditory learners, they love to read books. Reading out loud did not matter to them. Instead, they enjoy reading quietly.

Linguistic or Verbal Learners remember information by short stories, acronyms, or even rhymes.

The downside of Linguistic or Verbal Learners could be i.e. they don’t show much involvement and could be in their own little world.

You can involve them in learning by asking them questions and letting them ask their questions.

When teaching them try to present the information in written form. It will help Verbal Learners to follow along as they preferred to read.

Encourage them to write down notes and it will help them to remember information. They can easily get, absorb and retain knowledge this way.

As they love to do research, make sure to suggest some resources to them to look into more depth in the topic.

Linguistic or Verbal Learners love doing research, you can enhance their knowledge by giving written assignments to them.

5. Logical Learner

Photo by MART PRODUCTION: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-boy-solving-a-rubik-s-cube-8471880/

Logical learners like critical thinkers observe situations and analysis them to make decisions.

They like to stick to the facts and present viable ideas.

You need to use facts and figures to be logical learners. They use a rational approach to process information.

Because they like to analyze things they can identify the patterns. They are also great with the numbers.

As they like to think and analyze; try to use ordered and organized methods to teach them.

Instead of a block of text, you can make a list of facts and figures and present it to them. This way they will quickly process the information.

Logical learners like information if presented in a clean and clear structure. It helps them to keep track of the information.

You can also give them step-by-step instructions to solve a problem. You can also give them critical thinking excised to help them polish their skills.

Logical learners like to figure out problems by themselves by analyzing them. As they are thinkers they like to work independently and in peace.

6. Interpersonal or Social Learner

Interpersonal or Social Learner
Photo by Yan Krukov: https://www.pexels.com/photo/preschool-children-doing-hand-exercise-with-teachers-8613366/

Interpersonal or Social Learner loves to socialize. The best learning style for social learners is to learn through collaboration.

They love social interaction, so you can divide them into groups. You can assign them some group tasks or projects. It will help them leaning easily as they love communication.

This way they can pursue their goals while still socializing.

You can teach them in groups and allow them to teach others. They can easily teach others as they know the right thing to say. It also satisfies their need to socialize.

Interpersonal or Social Learners could be extroverts but they also love hearing others’ thoughts. Make sure to give them the feedback, they really appreciate it.

Also, do complement Interpersonal or Social Learners whenever possible, it will make them perform their tasks with more energy.

Interpersonal or social Learners are usually extroverts. They can easily build relationships. They can take on leadership tasks as they can convince anybody.

7. Intrapersonal or Solitary Learner

Intrapersonal Learner

Intrapersonal or Solitary Learners prefer independent learning. You can find them in the library alone trying to learn new things.

Intrapersonal or Solitary Learners enjoy working alone. You can provide them with private and quiet areas to work in.

This learning style overlaps with others, e.g., he/she can be both an intrapersonal or solitary learner and an auditory learner.

You can find out by asking them some questions about which method they prefer for learning.

As Intrapersonal or Solitary Learners like to work alone, they are good at setting up goals and achieving them.

You can ask them about their goals and help them make a strategy to achieve them.

You can also provide the resources and materials for their goals and guide them through them. They will really appreciate it.

The Intrapersonal Learners could be shy and might hesitate to ask questions in class.

You need to ask them the questions first to help them get over shyness. Once they overcome it they will start participating in class more openly and comfortably.

Final Thoughts

The learning style is unique for every kid. Your kid could be a spatial (visual), auditory, kinesthetic (physical), linguistic (verbal), logical, interpersonal (social) or intrapersonal (solitary) learner, or a combination. It did not matter. What matters is that you identify his or her learning style correctly.

Often the problem is we try to teach our kids just like how we learned it. It worked for you, surely it will also work for your child. Let me tell you it is a big mistake. The learning style of your child could be completely different from yours.

Whether you are a parent or teacher, it is our duty to identify the learning type of our child. Unlocking your child preferred learning style could be the key to your child’s engagement and success.

It will surely help to relieve the frustration and stress when your child’s new school year starts. It will also help your kids to learn, retain and recall information more effectively and effortlessly.

You can make the study fun for kids. It is only possible if you know what they want and how you can represent it to them?

Knowing the learning style for your kids pays in long term. If you are a teacher you can help your students more effectively and achieve better results.

If you are a parent, you can help your child by identifying the learning style. You can teach them in a fun way according to that particular learning style.

Teaching kids according to their style can help them reach their full potential.



Javeria Gull

Javeria is a developer, teacher, socialist, and author. She lives and breathes books. That’s why even after doing a degree in tech, work as a freelance writer.